2017, It's a Wrap! - This is Elyse
The year 2017 is over! This year flew by so fast! So many things happened this year that if I were to write about it I would need to start a blog (lol). As 2017 comes to a close and 2018 starts there are three important lessons that 2017 taught me that I want to share. Trust God. I don’t know how many times God has been trying to teach me the value of trusting Him and allowing Him to guide my life. God has given us promises in His word that tells us that He has plans to prosper us, that He will never leave us, that He will provide for our needs, give us rest when we are weary and so much more, so trust God. Trust the process. After we trust God we need to trust His timing. God who created time, knows the perfect time to provide, so trust Him. I love Hebrews 10: 23 because it tells us that God can be trusted to keep His promises. Trust the process or the journey that God has us on. Yes, it may take longer than we were expecting to get to the destination but Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best when he said; ” Life is a journey, not a destination.” Trust God and trust the process. Be thankful. In everything be thankful. Be thankful for the break-up, the unemployment, the extra year in school, the acceptance letter or the rejection letter, be thankful for the good and the bad and be thankful through the process. In All things give thanks. I learned that the process or the journey goes by quicker when I spend time thanking God. 2017, was a year full of growth. From January 1 all the way until today I have experienced growth, emotionally, spiritually, socially and even physically. I have gained friends, a degree, a job and so much more. Most importantly, 2017 taught me that God has a plan for me and it is a great plan. I look forward to learning more about the plan God has for me and going on this journey. Happy New Years to everyone! Let’s make 2018 the year where we truly trust God and that we trust the process. Elyse