Becoming the Best Version of You - This is Elyse
Hi everyone!!! I am so excited to be sharing this incredible new part of my blog with you. Back in May 2017, I graduated from college and it was the happiest day of my life. However, with college ending, I found myself trying to understand who I am, what my purpose in life is and how do I fulfill my purpose. I know that I am not the only person who asked these questions, I started a journey and I am calling it Becoming the Best Version of You. In life, we, especially women, forget sometimes to take care of ourselves. If you are a mother or a wife, you are trying to be there for your husband and children all while having a career. Or you can be like me, a recent college grad trying to figure out life in the adult world (also known as the real world), trying to figure out your next life move while trying to make some money. We are busy and we drop the ball when it comes to taking care of ourselves holistically. When we become the best version of ourselves, it helps us in all areas of life. It is by taking caring of ourselves, spiritually, socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically, that we become the best versions of ourselves. The following is what I’m calling my starter kit in becoming the best version of yourself. Know your worth and value. Know and understand your worth and value. When you do this it helps you stay away from the foolishness of life. We all are valuable and no one should make you feel less than your value. Make time for yourself. Making time for yourself is very important because it allows you to refuel and to prepare for life. If you can’t take a vacation go and do something relaxing and restful. Stay connected to God. This should be number one but always have a relationship with God. It is through prayer and spending time with Him that we truly become the best versions of ourselves. Keep the dream alive. Each one of us has dreams or goals for life. Don’t forget them, it may take longer to reach them but it will be worth it. Always do something that helps you reach your dreams or goals. Read the blog. Every Sunday I will have a new blog post on becoming the best version of yourself. Always remember to be real, to be unique and to be you! ~Elyse