Boss Lady Up Series - This is Elyse
Hello everyone! It has been a while! I have been so busy but I am excited because for the month of July I will be doing a miniseries called: Boss Lady Up! I have had the honor of meeting some incredible people in my life. For July, I am going to share five incredibly successful women’s stories and how they are a Boss Lady. When you think of a boss lady, what comes to mind? For me, I think of Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, Kate Middleton, and other BIG names. However, there are boss lady’s that are not former first lady’s, famous tennis players, or duchesses, that make a difference. I had the privilege of interviewing five extraordinary boss lady’s. All of these women have something in common: they are ambitious, self-driven and young! Over the month of July you will get to meet each one of these boss lady’s and learn how they became successful, tips on becoming a boss lady ( or boss man), and a really cool secret that I won’t spoil (got to read the blog to find out!). So read the blog! Sign up for email notifications so that you can read the post when they come out or follow the blog. Also, tell your friends about the blog!!