The Wait. - This is Elyse
I have talked about the gift of patience and being patient because God has you. So. . . what do you do during the wait? That is a great question. What do you do while God prepares you for the next? You pray and study the Bible. Why?? It is during the waiting season that God wants to prepare you. How do I know this? Life. I have been in the waiting season for a while. There have been some prayers that I have prayed that God has not answered or He said just wait. There has been some goals and dreams in life that I have been chasing and God has been telling me to slow down and to wait. Basically, everything I want in life right now, God has been telling me to wait for it and has been reminding me of His promises. But while I wait, God has been opening doors that I never dreamed or thought about. The beauty in waiting on God is that while He prepares you for the next, He uses you in the process. Let me explain. I want to go to medical school. I could be in medical school right now but I’m not for a number of reasons. Instead, I am teaching freshman in college. I have an incredible opportunity to help those behind me believe in their dreams and to reach them.While I have been teaching I am reminded why I want to be a doctor. You see, I never wanted to teach but God in His loving grace and mercy put me back in the environment where I fell in love with science and medicine. A lot of times we get upset with the plans God has for us or the process of waiting on the plans God has for us. We forget that God knows the way that we will take or that He knows what we can handle good and bad at this particular time in life. Like, God knows! And I know that it is hard to believe or understand that when you really want the next big thing in life right now. But I want to encourage you to wait and trust God. Hold Him to His promises, continue to pray and to seek Him and to wait. It is during this waiting season that I have developed a deeper and stronger relationship with God. I have been able to understand that God’s plans are far better than anything I could ever imagine. Trust me the wait is worth it, just hang in there and listen to Travis Greene’s song While I’m Waiting. ~Elyse * Bible verses mentioned above. Job 23:10, Hebrews 10:23, Jeremiah 29:10, 2 Peter 3:9