
Dear Black Woman

Hi Everyone! It’s February and that means it is Black History Month! I wrote this letter to Black woman, something I wish someone wrote to me when I was younger. Anyways, I hope that something will resound with you and that you will feel motivated while reading it. If you want, write a letter in the comments; let’s encourage our young Black women!

Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

Dear Black Girl, I want you to know that you are beautiful, smart, talented, and one of a kind. I want you to know that your hair, your skin, your smile, and your style makes you who you are and never change you. I want you to dream the biggest dreams and then pursue it. If you want to be a doctor, be one! If you want to be a lawyer, a teacher, a scientist, a nurse, a politician, a dancer, an actress, a singer or anything else become it! Don’t let anyone stop you from reaching your dreams.

Dear young Black woman, I want you to know that you are beautiful, smart, educated, talented and one of a kind. You have lived some and have felt the pain that the world throws at you. I want you to keep holding your head high. The dream you had as a girl can be your reality. Keep dreaming and working hard. Please don’t allow people to discourage you from fulfilling your dreams. It might feel as though the world is against you but keep marching on, you are creating a path for the little Black girls behind you.

Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

Dear Black mother, I want you to know that you are beautiful, smart, talented, powerful, and one of a kind. As you raise your children, remember to keep dreaming. Dream for them and yourself. Embrace the changes to your body, the rolls, the curves, the stretched marks, and the scars. You have brought a young Black royalty into the world and we celebrate their arrival. Protect them because the world does not want to see them win. We are here to help keep them safe.

Dear Black woman, I want you to know that you are beautiful, powerful, talented, smart, and one of a kind. Thank you for paving a way for the younger women. Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance. Please continue to dream, don’t stop pursuing the dream you had so many years ago. Love who you are now that your youth is behind you. We appreciate all the doors that you have opened so that the next generation can have an opportunity.



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