
Seven Ways to Reduce Burnout

Burnout is a real thing. More and more individuals are experiencing burnout due to isolation, being a caregiver, working long hours, and so much more. I know what burnout feels like because I have experienced it. Here are seven ways I have reduced my stress and burnout. 

Photo by Kaboompics .com:

Exercising– Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and burnout. Just moving the body can help to improve your mood. Exercising does not require going to the gym and working hard for 30 minutes. Exercise could be parking further away from the door at the store, walking every aisle in the store, taking a short walk, dancing around the house to your favorite song, etc. Just move your body when you are beginning to feel stress or burnout.

Photo by Magda Ehlers:

Sleeping– Sleep is vital for the body to function. While you sleep, your body can restore itself and prepare for the next day. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep a night is crucial to help reduce burnout. Create a schedule and get some rest. Fun fact: going to bed before midnight counts as two hours of sleep to the body. 

Practicing self-care– it is important to create time for yourself. Just stepping away from your day-to-day activities and focusing on yourself can help reduce burnout. While it may be difficult, try and find 10 minutes a day where you can do something to care for yourself. This could be going for a walk, watching something funny, drinking coffee (or another beverage) in peace, or anything else. Check out this video to learn ways to practice self-care. Self-Care: Health Nugget

Laughing – While it may seem strange, laughing helps reduce burnout. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins that help lower stress and blood pressure. When you are feeling stressed or burnout, watch or read something funny. 

Healthy habits– Practicing healthy habits such as drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables can help reduce burnout. Eating foods rich in omega-3 is known as a mood booster. Also, drinking water is an excellent alternative to stress eating. 

Unplug– Set aside time throughout the day that you will unplug from social media. Excessive scrolling on social media can cause stress and add to your burnout. You can reduce stress by unplugging for a few hours a day. 

Photo by Madison Inouye:

Investing in yourself– If your job, school, or anything else is causing you burnout, talk to your supervisor to see if you can take some time off. If it’s your job, use your PTO! Seek help. It is okay to ask for help and to talk with a therapist regarding your burnout. It is essential to invest in yourself, so you can live a healthy and happy life. 

I hope that you found these 7 ways to prevent burnout helpful. Let me know in the comments what you do to avoid burnout!

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