
Boss Lady Series: Recognizing Your Royalty

I would like to introduce to you to Taylor Griffith! I met Taylor in college and have been tremendously blessed by her music and her ministry.


Taylor! Introduce Yourself: Tell us who you are, what you do and a little about you.

Heyyyyy…I’m Taylor Griffith…A.K.A T.Marie! I hail from the great city of Detroit, Michigan!! I am an Oakwood University Music Department graduate!! ANDDDD I am the CEO of “Queenin’ For Da Kingdom Ministries. As the C.E.O of QDK, I produce and provide inspirational events, music, literature, fashion products, and mentorship programs for women.

Girl! You are busy! So, what inspired you to start Queenin For Da Kingdom, writing music and all the other amazing things that you are doing?

I definitely did not have an easy road growing into the woman I am today. And the truth is that the road only gets harder as God elevates me to greater heights. I suffered from extremely low self-esteem for the majority of my life. I was really different all of my life, so all of my life people talked about me really badly and teased me. I was the weird girl. I was the reject. On top of that, I moved around all my life from home to home and had to deal with the trauma of a broken home so I felt like the reject in my family as well.

“Each failure is a  set-up for success” 


When I started adding guys to the equation and I definitely felt like an even bigger reject. During my first year of college, I got into a really abusive relationship that broke me down. I was so desperate for someone to accept me and love me and fill that hole that I was willing to be extremely mistreated and disrespected in return. Things got so bad that the only thing I could turn to was God. God broke me down to the ULTIMATE point where the only person I could call on was him!

God saved my life, during my sophomore year of college! He then blessed with the opportunity to hold multiple positions as a minister and to travel all over the country preaching and singing to people. I decided to form “Queenin’ For Da Kingdom” specifically so that I could have a ministry where I could uplift other young women through the many painful experiences they face through Christ. I want women to feel confident, beautiful and to know that they are LOVEDDDD!!! I want them to know that they are loved SOOOOOO much by their Heavenly Father!!

Wow, girl, there are so many women that needed to hear that, thanks for being real with us and for sharing.  In your opinion, what are three things that make a woman a boss lady?

Loving Herself Enough To Try– we as women love to love on everyone else but ourselves! We help men become successful every day!! Love yourself enough to bet on you because you’re worth it and you can do this!

Resilience and Embracing failure– DO NOT QUIT!!!!! DO NOT EVAAA, EVAAAAAA QUIT!!! Each failure is a  set-up for success. Remember that a King died on a tree so that your sins could be set free. His “failure” was a set up for your success.

Trusting in God Every Step of the Way– Being a boss is HARDDDD, like really, really hard!!! You have to pray and seek God’s will each step of the way because if SELF is in the way you WILL fail!!! I mean, sistas, you gotta know at the end of the day that YOU are not the real boss!!!! God is!! Until you allow Christ to lead you….you can’t be a leader, well not an effective one.


Taylor, this has been so much fun! There is so much that we talked about that I think we have to do a follow-up post!


Please go and check out Taylor’s products and learn more about QDK and their services at She currently has an album,  Brand New Woman and an EP, The Triniteee 313 out on all digital platforms Which are AMAZING!! You can go to iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, or Google Play to purchase or to stream her album and EP. If you will like to book Taylor and QDK for speaking engagements or music events please email her at

Thanks, Taylor for being real and sharing your story with us!


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