
Dear Future College Student… You Did It!

Dear Future College Student,

Graduation is over! You have made it through high school, Congratulations!! As you make your final decisions on college, I want to give you some advice. Get involved in your freshman year. What I mean by this is find a club, a choir,  an organization, or anything that sparks your interest and join it. This is important because as you matriculate through college, the club that you join, will be a resume booster and it will open great networking opportunities. Here is my story about a club that changed my life.

When I got to college, one of my professor’s was in the process of starting a club called Shot@Life.  Shot@Life is an organization that advocates for child vaccinations in Third World Countries. As a community outreach project, he had the class go around the city and get signatures supporting child vaccination to take to our congressmen. That one event caught my attention and I started coming to the meetings that he had. After we were trained in the subject, we started to hold our own meetings. This prompted a group of us to actually start the club and we did. We were invited to town hall meetings with a Senator and House of Representative for the state of Alabama. Not only that, we were able to go on a free trip to Washington D.C. On that trip, we advocated for child vaccinations and met all of the Senators and House of Representatives for the state of Alabama. While we were in D.C. I met a U.S. ambassador to Haiti and the Chaplin of the Senate. I also met Katherine Burton from Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal.

Not only was I able to meet these incredible people, when I joined the club I was just a member. Then I became the PR person. My junior year I was the vice president and my senior year I was the president of the club. This club has open so many doors for me. It has also given me a different outlook on life. Knowing that I am the voice for thousands of children makes me happy. The club has allowed me to grow as a leader through being the vice president and president. So join a club and get involved, you never know who you will meet or what doors it will open for you.



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