Hey everybody! Life is filled with a lot of trials and tribulations and sometimes can be hard. Trust me, I know. I spent the last year trying to heal and move on from all the trials I have experienced and it wasn’t easy. What made it difficult was overcoming my fear of pain. I was scared of failing or worse being hurt again which kept me from moving forward. I know that some of you probably have felt this fear or you’re living in it now. So how did I overcome this fear? How do I start to move in faith instead of walking in fear? Glad you ask! This…
With God, I Can!
There are times in life where I don’t think I am capable of accomplishing the dreams and goals I have for life. Sometimes I see a woman that has all of the capabilities to reach her dreams but somehow fear keeps her from chasing her dreams. I hear the praise that people give me for the things I have accomplished but when I attempt to do something grand I freeze in fear. I freeze in fear because I am afraid of the unknown. I am afraid that I will fail even though the past does not show me failing. I freeze in fear because thinking about being vulnerable is frightening…