Goals,  Lifestyle

How to reach you 2019 goals: Keeping Your Momentum

It’s week four of 2019! It is around this time that I normally loose momentum towards my goals for the year, but not this year! Momentum is so important in reaching your goals; it helps you to continue to work on your goals, even when you do not see progress. So, with all that being said, this week we are going to talk about keeping momentum towards your goals!

“Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals.” ~ LL Cool J

Question: What do you think is the number one reason why people do not reach their yearly goals? Answer: The mentality of wanting it all and wanting it now! It is easy to think that if you work hard for three weeks that all the changes you want in the year, you will reach and you will be done: That mentality, however is not always true.  If you are trying to make a lifestyle change, it takes 21 days to break it. That is 21 days of intentional disciplined, hard work towards changing the habit or lifestyle.

Going back to my fitness example, I have a bad habit of not working out. If I truly wanted to break that habit and start a new one of working out, I need to work out every day or the days I designated that I would work out on for 21 days. Sounds easy, right? Okay so the first day I go, great! The second day I go, wonderful! The third day I go but the fourth day I’m a little tired, so I skip and that begins me skipping the gym every other day or just going once a week or not at all.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

There is something very important that you need to remember; reaching your goals is more like a marathon and not like a sprint. It takes precious time to reach your goals, so work hard but remember the change will not be spontaneous. Allow yourself time to reach your goals. I mean, if it took you a while to gain the weight, it is going to take a while longer to lose it. With my fitness goal journey, reaching my goal requires making changes to my diet, my physical activity, my sleeping, my water intake and so much more. That does not change overnight or in the first 4 weeks of January. The same is true for any goal you have for 2019. 

Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash

So how can I keep momentum for my goals? I’m glad you asked! Down below I share three ways that can help you keep momentum while working towards your goals. Please feel free to share in the comments ways that you keep momentum while working on your goals.

Three ways to you help keep your momentum for reaching your goals
  1. Remember the why. Ask yourself, why did you decide on December 31 or January 1 or whenever you set these goals for the new year? Why do you want to make this change?  Most of the time we set goals because we see a change that needs to be made in our lives to help us become the best version us. Always remember why you started your goal journey whenever you feel like giving up.
  2.  Keep the vision in mind. Do you remember the person you envisioned when you were writing your goals? don’t forget that person. I love visions boards because they are a visual representation of where you are going. A vision board can also provide affirmation to your goals. Create a vision board and when you feel discourage look at the board, see the positive message it provides, and then continue to work towards reaching that goal.
  3. Review your progress. Last week we talked about measuring your progress and how it helps you stay motivated. Well, by staying motivated, it helps you keep your momentum. Look back and see what changes you have made; it sometimes might be small but a small change is a good change.

When I think about quitting on my goals for the new year, I think about the story of the rabbit and the tortoise. You know the story, the rabbit was racing the tortoise. The rabbit took off and got so far ahead that he was confident that he was going to win and took a nap. The tortoise kept going slowly but steady and won the race. Sometimes we start the year like the rabbit; believing that our goals are easy to reach but then we start to slack- losing our momentum. But we need to be like the tortoise, steadily working on our goals until we’ve reached them.

As you continue to works towards your goals, always remember that you have a year to complete them. Never ever give up! Keep pushing and soon you will be able to say I reached my 2019 goals! Always remember to be real, be unique, and to be you!

One Comment

  • Jesseñia

    Thanks Elyse for the reminder! It’s not always easy to keep going when you don’t see results as fast as you want, but like you said, I’ve got to think of it as a marathon and not a sprint.

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